Katsuni, anal sex from "LiveGonzo" show. New video clip on the page "Pornstars cumshots mix 3"

There is no doubt that after the triumph of Asa Akira in the latest edition of the AVN Awards last January, almond-shaped eyes are highly fashionable in the american red light star system. You know very well  the diva that we present again today, is certainly one of the most talented artists of european hardcore cinema. Katsuni now working for some time, permanently, in the United States. Absolutely unforgettable some interpretations in the hit movies by Digital Playground. She was Zi Fang, the ruthless pirate empress of "Pirates II - Stagnetti's Revenge", was the inflexible and provocative head nurse of "Nurses" and also the desirous teacher of "Teachers" and the insatiable hostess of "Fly Girls ". Before these fim she had worked many years in Europe, with french and italian productions. Absolute specialist in the scenes of group sex and great interpreter of anal sex. This  her great quality is amply demonstrates even in the scene of today, very recent, taken from a live show by "LiveGonzo." Truly breathtaking her anal performance in this clip and it's amazing the final facial. A video not to be missed, can be found on the page "Pornstars cumshots mix 3", by clicking the appropriate link on the right side of our home page, in the list of pages. Enjoy!


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