Veronica Rodriguez, new porn talent from Venezuela. New clips on the page "Pornstars cumshots mix 3"

South America is a continent that has always provided a great contribution to the hardcore cinema over the inexhaustible brazilian "forge", there are countries such as Colombia and Venezuela, which are home to artists really excellent. Veronica Rodriguez is one of them. She is a very young venezuelan actress, born in Guajira in 1991, that made her debut in 2011 and since then has starred in at least 50 scenes. The first time I saw Veronica was a in video of the "Amateur Allure" serie and has won me over for her skill in oral sex culminated with a fantastic cum swallow. Since then I've seen in at least ten other performances, including some really nice group sex. The last circumstance in which I admired Veronica Rodriguez has been in "Corrupt Schoolgirls 4", great movie "all sex" produced by "Reality Junkies" with a female cast obviously very young. Along with Veronica in fact there are other promising artists such as Casey Stone, Molly Bennett and Kelly Surfer while the male cast is definitely "top class", with Manuel Ferrara, Erik Everhard, Evan Stone and Tommy Gun. That played by the young venezuelan starlet is the first scene, in which a naughty schoolgirl seduces her gym teacher (Manuel Ferrara). In Veronica Rodriguez is the extraordinary contrast between a body almost of teenager and an extraordinary sexual charge. The typical image of the young and uninhibited girl that will never cease to excite men. So we want to show you our Veronica in the scenes mentioned in this post, the first from the series "Amateur Allure" and the second from "Corrupt Schoolgirls 4". To see them click on the link "Pornstars cumshots mix 3" to the right of our home page, in the list of pages.


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